Embracing Video Marketing: Enhancing Your Brand’s Digital Presence

video production

The digital landscape continuously evolves, and businesses must stay up-to-date with the latest trends and tactics to maintain a strong online presence. One marketing trend that has seen a rapid rise in recent years and continues to gain momentum is video marketing. With video content now accounting for 82% of global internet traffic, it’s no longer an option for businesses to ignore the power of video marketing when striving for digital success. 

As a company offering a multitude of services, including web design, SEO, video production, and Facebook advertising, Longhouse Media is well-positioned to help businesses leverage video marketing strategies to build their brand and improve their online presence. In this blog post, we will explore why video marketing is essential, outline actionable strategies, and highlight tips from industry experts to help your business embrace video marketing and stay ahead of the curve.

Video content is a powerful medium for engaging, entertaining, informing, and ultimately influencing potential customers within your target audience. With the increasing popularity of video-based platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, businesses can tap into these platforms’ audiences by creating and sharing original video content. Equally essential are integrating video elements into a brand’s website and marketing material, which can help captivate users, showcase products and services, and offer unparalleled insight into the brand’s ethos. 

Research has demonstrated the impact of video marketing, with a staggering 88% of video marketers reporting a positive ROI from this form of media. Given these impressive numbers, businesses cannot afford to overlook the power of video marketing when developing their digital marketing strategies.

At Longhouse Media, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities posed by the digital world, and we are committed to helping businesses embrace video marketing and excel in this essential domain. By partnering with our experienced team, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and skills that will enable your business to stand out in a crowded market and harness the power of video to drive visibility and conversions.

In the following sections of this blog post, we will delve into the details of video marketing, discussing the various strategies, platforms, trends, and tips businesses need to know to excel in this realm. Stay with us as we take you on a journey through video marketing, empowering you and your business to make informed decisions and achieve digital success.

Understanding the Types of Video Content

To create effective video marketing campaigns, businesses must recognize the different types of video content available and the purpose each serves in meeting specific marketing objectives. Here’s a quick rundown of the most popular types of video content businesses can leverage for their marketing efforts:

  • Explainer Videos: Explainer videos are usually short, animated clips that break down complex ideas or products into simple, digestible concepts for the audience. These can be an excellent way to demonstrate the value and functionality of a product or service.
  • Product Demonstrations: These videos showcase a product in action, offering potential customers an in-depth look at the item’s features and benefits. Product demonstrations can help convince potential buyers of the product’s advantages.
  • Customer Testimonials: Utilize real-life success stories from satisfied customers to establish trust and social proof for your brand. Authentic testimonials can help your audience better connect with your products and brand.
  • Webinars and Tutorials: Offer educational, instructional content for viewers interested in learning new skills or deepening their understanding of a specific topic. Providing valuable knowledge can help position your brand as an industry expert.

Choosing the Right Video Marketing Platform

To maximize the impact of your video marketing campaign, it’s vital to select the most appropriate platforms for showcasing your content. Here’s a breakdown of the top video platforms and what they can offer:

  • YouTube: As the second-largest search engine globally, YouTube is an excellent platform for sharing longer-form video content. YouTube also offers paid advertising options, allowing businesses to increase their ranking and visibility on the platform.
  • Facebook: With over 80% of online video views happening on Facebook, the power of this platform should not be understated. Facebook’s organic reach and paid promotion tools make it an ideal platform for sharing video content.
  • Instagram: A visually-driven platform, Instagram is perfect for showcasing short, eye-catching videos, often less than 60 seconds in length. Instagram Stories and IGTV also offer additional opportunities for video promotion.
  • LinkedIn: As a professional networking platform, LinkedIn is best suited for B2B marketing, featuring informative videos and webinars that showcase industry expertise.
  • TikTok: This rapidly growing platform has gained a massive following among younger audiences, making it the ideal platform to share relatable and engaging short-form video content.

Staying Ahead with Video Marketing Trends

To remain competitive in the fast-paced world of digital marketing, keeping up with video marketing trends is essential. Here are some current and emerging video marketing trends that businesses should consider incorporating into their strategy:

  • Live Streaming: Interact with your audience in real-time through live-streamed events, Q&A sessions, or behind-the-scenes glimpses into your business’s daily operations.
  • 360-Degree Videos: Immerse your viewers with a 360-degree video experience, allowing them to engage with your content on a deeper level. This type of video can showcase product details, tell unique stories, or offer virtual tours of locations.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): Utilize VR and AR technology to create immersive experiences allowing users to interact virtually with products and services. This can be especially beneficial for real estate, travel, and retail industries.
  • Vertical Videos: Since most users consume videos on mobile devices, businesses should consider creating vertical video content optimized for small screens and popular platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Measuring Video Marketing Success

It’s crucial to measure the performance of your video marketing campaigns through data and analytics to optimize for maximum impact. Valuable metrics to track include:

  • Video Views: Track the total number of views to determine the reach of your video content.
  • Watch Time: Evaluate the average time your audience spends watching your videos. High watch times signify greater engagement.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Measure the percentage of viewers who click on a call-to-action or link within your video content. Higher CTRs indicate successful audience engagement.
  • Engagement Metrics: Track likes, shares, and comments to gauge audience interaction with your content. Higher engagement typically signifies more successful content.


Embracing video marketing is essential for businesses looking to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital world. Businesses can develop engaging video marketing campaigns that deliver results by understanding the types of video content, choosing the most appropriate platforms, staying informed of video marketing trends, and measuring success. 

With Longhouse Media’s expertise in web design, digital marketing, video production, and more, businesses can capitalize on the power of video marketing and enhance their brand’s digital presence. Partner with Longhouse Media today to craft outstanding Facebook video ads and strategies that will take your business to new heights.

Picture of Keenan Beavis

Keenan Beavis

Keenan Beavis is a Growth Consultant with Longhouse Media. Longhouse’s services include websites, digital marketing, social media management, videography and graphic design. Past projects of Keenan’s include, a YouTube channel where he was awarded for being the 27th most viewed YouTuber in Canada and a chain of online niche clothing stores under the banner of ‘JK Design Team’. Realizing his aptitude for developing businesses online, Keenan decided to help others grow their businesses and personal brands through technology by founding the media company, Longhouse.

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About Longhouse Media

Longhouse Media is a Canadian business located in Vancouver, British Columbia that serves new, growing and established businesses.   Longhouse provides customers with synergistic digital solutions that add value to businesses and personal brands.  We keep up to date on the latest technology and growth strategies so you can focus on running your business! Some of the services we offer are: websites, digital advertising on platforms such as Facebook and Google Adwords, social media management, video production and graphic design.

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