5 Useful Tips For Successful Video Marketing

Aze Video Production

Going viral is every marketer’s dream, but it should never be the objective of your video marketing campaign. There is no denying that video marketing is now one of the most important aspects of a digital marketing plan, and for good reason.

Five billion videos are watched on YouTube every day. More shares are generated by videos than text and images combined. On top of that, videos on landing pages have the power to increase conversions by 80%.

Considering the impact videos can make, it is imperative that you start putting more effort into improving your video marketing campaigns to drive your social media forward. Here are some of the best tips to help you create successful online videos:

1. Focus on the Story, Not the Sale

Your video should focus on the story and not the sale. Make sure that your video appeals to your customers’ needs and wants. If you are worried that you may lose leads, there is one simple solution: put a strategic and relevant call to action alongside a tracked URL at the end of your video. Keep in mind that this should relate to your overall story.

2. Make the First Ten Seconds Count

Most viewers have no patient to waste their precious time watching a long video that drags on and on. In fact, they will most likely click away from a video within ten seconds or less if they are not hooked by then. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you keep your video short and to the point. Within the first ten seconds, you should get your audience’s attention by showing them that you have what they are looking for and why they should continue watching it.

3. Lighten Up With Comedy

Even if you are planning to share a corporate video, you can still incorporate some humour into your video. The truth is that people are more into comedy than serious stuff. They prefer to laugh from watching an entertaining video. Just remember to get your point across effectively when using humour in your video content and you will be fine.

4. Optimize For SEO

To make sure that your videos are easily found in search engines, make sure that you enable embedding on your video to increase your chance of getting inbound marketing links. Remember to also take advantage of video sitemaps as well.

Moreover, make sure that your descriptions are well-constructed and relevant to what your video content is about. This will allow Google’s search spiders to make sense of the video and understand its content. Thus, your videos should be tagged with relevant keywords and have great descriptions as well as unique titles.

Longhouse Media offers SEO services in addition to video production. Find out how you can rank in the top 3 on Google.

5. Showcase Your Knowledge With Informative Content

Over half of your audience are visual learners. This is why it is important that your videos can educate your viewers in some ways. Education comes in various forms. You can help your customers learn how to use certain products or services that you provide and also give some useful tips on how to make the most of these products.

You can even create a webinar to show the audience that your brand is knowledgeable while also helping customers learn new things in the process. This will help position your brand as a smart leader in the industry.

If you’re looking for a video production agency with experience in creating modern, effective campaigns, get in touch with us today! We’re happy to help.

Picture of Keenan Beavis

Keenan Beavis

Keenan Beavis is a Growth Consultant with Longhouse Media. Longhouse’s services include websites, digital marketing, social media management, videography and graphic design. Past projects of Keenan’s include, a YouTube channel where he was awarded for being the 27th most viewed YouTuber in Canada and a chain of online niche clothing stores under the banner of ‘JK Design Team’. Realizing his aptitude for developing businesses online, Keenan decided to help others grow their businesses and personal brands through technology by founding the media company, Longhouse.

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Longhouse Media is a Canadian business located in Vancouver, British Columbia that serves new, growing and established businesses.   Longhouse provides customers with synergistic digital solutions that add value to businesses and personal brands.  We keep up to date on the latest technology and growth strategies so you can focus on running your business! Some of the services we offer are: websites, digital advertising on platforms such as Facebook and Google Adwords, social media management, video production and graphic design.

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