Longhouse has been working with some exciting publicly traded companies recently by providing our marketing, branding and web design services.

Over the last few months, we have been working with publicly traded companies within the Mining Industry. Some of the companies we have worked with include:

  1. C2C Gold Corp
  2. Encore Energy
  3. Group 11 Technologies
  4. Golden Predator
  5. Brewery Creek Mine

Our goal while working with these companies was to create headache-free solutions for their obstacle/problems. Our Web Design team took on a huge workload with these projects. As well, our marketing and content creation teams all worked together to create an impressive brand for these companies.

Our Challenge: Website Development, Graphic Design, Rebranding and Social Media Presence.

With large publicly traded companies, there comes a lot of story to tell and making sure that you tell it right is important. Our challenge was to create a user-friendly website with a fresh look that told their story and why they do what they do.

Of course, no matter the size of a business, it is important to have a strong brand that conveys values and a story. Regardless of what the business/company is, it’s important to showcase your story, whether it’s why you do what you do, or where you came from. Of course, with these mining companies, there is also a lot of important factual information that needs to be shown. Much of the information on a publicly traded company’s website is for compliance purposes; the requirements are very familiar to the team at Longhouse Media.

With careful planning from our team and magic worked by the Web Design team, we created a way for all the necessary information, new branding and their story to work together.

Web Design I Home Page Mock Ups I Longhouse Media

The Solution: Creative Web Design, Social Media Engagement, and more.

When working with C2C Gold Corp we started out by creating a new logo for them to be associated with. When rebranding, it’s important to go about this process carefully and cautiously. When you rebrand something, all your past partners, clients and customers are subconsciously thinking of how they initially met you and decided to continue business with you; when you change the ‘look’ they may not recognize you.

Some key points to rebranding are sticking to the same/similar colour scheme, maintain the same message, keep the same ‘important’ names, and make sure that the elements are still relevant while giving it a fresh new look.

Logo Design I C2C Gold Corp I Rebranding I Longhouse Media

Along with the new logo design, we created a new website for C2C Gold Corp. This was a bit of a challenge because we wanted to make sure that we included ALL the important information in the correct areas of the site. Almost like a math equation, if one placement is off the entire equation isn’t going to make sense.

Home Page I C2C Gold Corp (click image above)

While creating this new website, we needed to make sure that clickers and viewers stayed on this site. If someone clicks on your site, it doesn’t mean much unless they spend over 30 seconds on there. This is because Google takes this information and reads it as a sign that people are interested in your site, meaning you would end up ranking higher in Google searches

So how did we make this site engaging enough for people such as you as viewers to stay and look at; Video Headers. Longhouse loves to use video headers because it sets you apart from the rest. It’s fun, engaging and different, you’ll want to see what’s waiting at the end. No one wants to look at the same image for a long period of time, we get bored and want a change of scenery. The same concept even applies to watching videos on any other social media platform, videos over the 1 maybe even 2-minute mark lose our interest because we get bored and want to see something else.

The same concept applies to websites, if we were to create a website with one image, no animated text, with a plain and boring message, we would lose you. Instead, creating a catchy ‘Call To Action‘ right as the site opens up, add some visually appealing text/fonts/colours and throw in a video header, you’ll be able to keep that viewer on your site.

Home Page I Brewery Creek Mine I Click Image Above
Home Page I Group 11 Technologies I Click Image Above

When working with the Brewery Creek Mine and Group 11 technologies we also carried out most of the same concepts and ideas to their websites with Longhouse created.

We also see the importance of your presence on social media. All the different social media platforms now serve such a huge and important purpose as it is the way we connect, share and learn from all different kinds of things. We find that the following social media platforms to be the most beneficial and effective for you and your business/company:

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Instagram
  4. LinkedIn
  5. Google My Business

For these large, world-wide publicly traded companies it would be favourable for them to take this opportunity and educate their audience with what they do, why they do it, and how they do it etc. When doing social media for other businesses, we like to stick to three different ‘categories’ and switch it up between them to maintain a somewhat steady structure but also keep it upbeat, engaging and not boring. The categories are usually:

  • A Fun Fact (Educational)
  • A Customer/Google Review (Credibility)
    And a Public Question (keep your page viewers involved)

For companies much larger it could become harder to stick to this kind of formula, so instead we did the following different categories for more variety:

  • Fun Fact; get to know what the company does, how it benefits you and your community etc.
  • Newsletter/Press Release; To show transparency between the company and those they serve/interact with
  • Community Acknowledgment Post; shows that even as a big company, you’re still involved and acknowledge the community and its successes big or small.
  • and a Local Events Posting; again this would show your connections and appreciation for the community.

These categories are far more relevant to a bigger corporation/company; you’ll want to share or post only about relevant items that are applicable in your area of business/expertise.

Here are some Fun Facts we used for Group 11 Technologies, they educate you on the smallest things so you can continue to learn more and more:

“Did You Know?

Gold is a non-toxic element and gold ‘flakes’ can be used in food or beverages.”

“Did You Know?

1 ounce of gold can be beaten to a 100 square feet sheet.”

“Fun Fact.

Injectable gold was used as a resource in the past to treat patients with tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis because it had been proven to help reduce pain and swelling. That’s one expensive treatment!”

Here are some examples of fun facts, news articles and community acknowledgment posts we created for Brewery Creek Mine:

“Did You Know?

Dawson City was its biggest during the Klondike Gold Rush in 1898.”

“We love to acknowledge and celebrate the success of the local community. Congratulations Nicole Favron on this big accomplishment.  

Nicole Favron was named as a Yukon winner for the 2020 BMO Art competition with her video, entitled, “5.5 hours of shovelling so I can walk in the path of a moose.” Favron had just graduated from the Yukon School of Visual Arts and had her video displayed in the University of Toronto’s Art Museum virtual exhibit.” 

“Just in August, CBC wrote an article about Brewery Creek Mine’s reopening after 17 years of being shut down; check it out.


The Results of Our Marketing With Publicly Traded Companies

The team from Longhouse Media is happy to report great feedback has been received from our new partners and we look forward to maintaining a long-term working relationship with each of them.

To read more of Longhouse Media’s case studies, click here.

Picture of Keenan Beavis

Keenan Beavis

Keenan Beavis is a Growth Consultant with Longhouse Media. Longhouse’s services include websites, digital marketing, social media management, videography and graphic design. Past projects of Keenan’s include, a YouTube channel where he was awarded for being the 27th most viewed YouTuber in Canada and a chain of online niche clothing stores under the banner of ‘JK Design Team’. Realizing his aptitude for developing businesses online, Keenan decided to help others grow their businesses and personal brands through technology by founding the media company, Longhouse.

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About Longhouse Media

Longhouse Media is a Canadian business located in Vancouver, British Columbia that serves new, growing and established businesses.   Longhouse provides customers with synergistic digital solutions that add value to businesses and personal brands.  We keep up to date on the latest technology and growth strategies so you can focus on running your business! Some of the services we offer are: websites, digital advertising on platforms such as Facebook and Google Adwords, social media management, video production and graphic design.

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