Capable One Door and Gate Services Ltd. | Langley Web Development | Longhouse Media Case Study

Capable One is owned and operated by Ross and Jessica. They offer sales, installation, repairs, and maintenance of overhead doors and gates. With Ross’ 20+ years in the door and gate industry and Jessica’s expertise in customer service, Capable One offers not only exceptional work but excellent service as well!

Home Page | Capable One Door and Gate Services Ltd. | Longhouse Media

Our Web Design team worked alongside Capable One to create a brand new website that highlighted their services and expertise while also providing easy access to their emergency services.

Our Challenge: Create a New Website Which Highlights Capable One’s Services and Who They Are; Implement an SEO Strategy

Capable One offers service by appointment along with 24/7 emergency services. Our web design team began building a plan which would highlight both of these while also having additional information readily available and easy to access. This ties in with the overarching goal to have a website that is both easy to navigate and pleasing to the eye. We also needed to find a way to optimize the site for Google rankings outside of the wording of the website itself.

We also felt it would be important to have a great About page to highlight Ross and Jessica and their expertise.

Services | Capable One Door and Gate Services Ltd. | Longhouse Media

Our Solution: A Home Page With Service Shortcut Buttons; a Robust “About Us” Page

In keeping with their logo colours, our web design team opted to base the website around blue and white with added hints of yellow as a complementary colour.

The home page features two buttons: one to book a service appointment and one to get in touch for 24/7 emergency service. This allows those who are in a hurry to get right to what they’re looking for. Scrolling down, we can learn more about what services Capable One offers as well as some of the manufacturers and brands they specialize in. There’s also a testimonial section from past customers that shows how credible Capable One and its services are. As a new customer, this can make them see that they are in good hands when choosing to work with this business.

We felt it was important to have a strong About Us page so visitors to the site can get to know Ross and Jessica. This not only allows you to see the faces of the people behind the business but also helps to build rapport between you and them. Putting a face to the name goes a long way for your business! As you scroll down, you’ll also get to read about the history of Capable One and learn about its excellent service.

Our web design team also added a Blog section to Capable One’s website. This not only allows them to post informative content but, using proper keywords, also helps them rank higher on Google search results! By having a Blog section, Capable One can keep up with keyword trends with a dynamic approach.

Blog | Capable One Door and Gate Services Ltd. | Longhouse Media

The benefits of our SEO strategy shows in Capable One’s analytics. The number of daily clicks on their Google MyBusiness page and website URL steadily grew and remained consistent at this higher rate.

Clicks | Capable One Door and Gate Services

Their impressions or views fluctuated but became much more consistent with the new strategy.

The most impressive improvement was in Capable One’s ranking on search engine results pages. With the new SEO strategy, their position not only became more consistent but also ranked higher than it did before!

Position | Capable One Door and Gate Services

The Results of Our Partnership:

“What a great experience with the team at Longhouse Media! The young team is informative, knowledgeable with the times and fast working! We had been searching for sometime to find someone to see our vision. A few companies failed us but Longhouse came in, listened, & executed! Designed our website with care and professionalism, we love it. Our Google rating is doing great with their SEO work. This has just been a great experience and we highly recommend Longhouse!”

– Capable One Door and Gate Services Ltd.

Longhouse Media is happy to report great feedback has been received from Capable One and we look forward to maintaining a positive working relationship with them!

To read more of Longhouse Media’s case studies, click here.

Picture of Keenan Beavis

Keenan Beavis

Keenan Beavis is a Growth Consultant with Longhouse Media. Longhouse’s services include websites, digital marketing, social media management, videography and graphic design. Past projects of Keenan’s include, a YouTube channel where he was awarded for being the 27th most viewed YouTuber in Canada and a chain of online niche clothing stores under the banner of ‘JK Design Team’. Realizing his aptitude for developing businesses online, Keenan decided to help others grow their businesses and personal brands through technology by founding the media company, Longhouse.

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Longhouse Media is a Canadian business located in Vancouver, British Columbia that serves new, growing and established businesses.   Longhouse provides customers with synergistic digital solutions that add value to businesses and personal brands.  We keep up to date on the latest technology and growth strategies so you can focus on running your business! Some of the services we offer are: websites, digital advertising on platforms such as Facebook and Google Adwords, social media management, video production and graphic design.

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