Five Alarm Apparel I E-Commerce Solution: Longhouse Media, Case Study

Longhouse Media has recently started working with Five Alarm Apparel which was founded by Cody Fortin in 2018. 

Cody originally started Five Alarm Apparel so he could combine his love for firefighting, business and entrepreneurship. This also gave him the opportunity to work with different artists/designers to create unique concepts that perfectly highlight the main elements of fire fighting. 

Before his creation of Five Alarm Apparel, Cody found his fix by selling Freightliner chassis fire trucks.

Over the last couple months, the Longhouse team worked alongside Cody to create the vision that he had to share his Apparel with the rest of you. 

Our goal in mind was to create a user-friendly website that clearly told his story with an easy-to-use e-commerce website so you can effortlessly and simply purchase from the comfort of your own home. 

Our Challenge: Website Development, E-Commerce System Implementation, and Story-Telling.

When customers are looking at different businesses, especially ones they don’t know their purpose or story, they may find it harder to connect with them and understand what it is that they do. Being able to make that relationship subconsciously makes a customer far more interested in what this business does and willingly wanting to support them.

In the case of Five Alarm Apparel, the story behind Cody and why he creates his apparel is an important story to tell, which is why during the creation process of the website, we paid close attention to the ‘About Us’ section with detail to little things such as images, write-ups and other small touches. 

Along with the story-telling, we needed to create an easy, user-friendly e-commerce system so the people like YOU can purchase this apparel etc. 

Web Design I Shop Page for 5 Alarm Apparel I Longhouse Media

The Solution: Artistic Web Design, E-Commerce System Installation, and more.

The Longhouse Web Design team worked to create a simple but well-rounded site that perfectly highlighted the business and delivered all the necessary needs to customers all around the lower mainland. 

How do we go about this exactly? Well, first after collaborating and learning the story of Five Alarm Apparel, we constructed the website to be very visual with lots of images. You’ll notice on the home page there is a picture slideshow on the header to give the site a bit more of an interactive feature so your eye catches the change and is constantly intrigued with what is coming next. 

Video of Home Page Picture Slideshow I Web Design I Longhouse Media

You can create an e-commerce website with WordPress or Shopify. For Five Alarm, we decided to go ahead with using WordPress to create the site because we found that using WordPress was more convenient and customizable in creating the end vision Cody had for his site.

Five Alarm also works along with Printful to produce their apparel and Printful’s inventory is easily synched with WordPress making it the choice easy. Don’t worry, when it comes time for your site, our professional tech team will narrow the right choice based on your needs, for you. 

Along with choosing the platform to create the e-commerce site, it was important to categorize the different products in an organized matter so viewers can easily navigate themselves through the shop section. From there, the Web Development team will implement some graphic design skills created the perfect layout for each product keeping a clean, crisp and consistent look with all necessary information, notes, colour options etc included. 

E-Commerce Web Design I 5 Alarm Apparel I Longhouse Media

The Benefits:

The question is, ‘Why should I bother implementing an e-commerce system to my website?’ And the answer is that there are many different weighting factors that can ultimately positively benefit YOU and YOUR business. Well with an E-Commerce website you are able to:

  1. Grow your brand
  2. Establish your brand
  3. Strengthen your brand

When growing your business, you need to work to make your brand recognizable. People will come back to work, buy, or partner with you solely because you have grown your brand and established it. Once you have established what you do and why you do it, you are ready to strengthen your business and its brand. This can happen usually with having the support of your co-workers, clients, partners or audience etc through the spread and expansion of your business.

As you continue to grow, establish and strengthen your business and branding, you are always trying to effectively target new audiences.

When you are putting your product online, you are automatically targeting a new audience who is interested in what you have to sell from an online perspective; ultimately, you’re learning more about your audience. With being able to keep track of exactly what products were being purchased versus others, you are learning your audience’s preferences/what they love about your brand.

This allows you to cater more to their needs/likes and keep them continuously interested. 

In the end, you will make loyal customers that you can keep, while being accessible and catering of your product under any circumstances; customers will surely return.

The Results of Our Partnership:

The team from Longhouse Media is happy to report great feedback has been received from our new partner and we look forward to maintaining a long-term working relationship with them!

To read more of Longhouse Media’s case studies, click here.

Picture of Keenan Beavis

Keenan Beavis

Keenan Beavis is a Growth Consultant with Longhouse Media. Longhouse’s services include websites, digital marketing, social media management, videography and graphic design. Past projects of Keenan’s include, a YouTube channel where he was awarded for being the 27th most viewed YouTuber in Canada and a chain of online niche clothing stores under the banner of ‘JK Design Team’. Realizing his aptitude for developing businesses online, Keenan decided to help others grow their businesses and personal brands through technology by founding the media company, Longhouse.

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About Longhouse Media

Longhouse Media is a Canadian business located in Vancouver, British Columbia that serves new, growing and established businesses.   Longhouse provides customers with synergistic digital solutions that add value to businesses and personal brands.  We keep up to date on the latest technology and growth strategies so you can focus on running your business! Some of the services we offer are: websites, digital advertising on platforms such as Facebook and Google Adwords, social media management, video production and graphic design.

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