
Five Alarm Apparel I E-Commerce Solution: Longhouse Media, Case Study

With an E-Commerce website, you are able to grow, establish and strengthen your brand by creating an easy, user-friendly e-commerce system so people like YOU can purchase apparel at any given time!

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Short Months are the Push We Need💪

Even though February is a short month, it’s all more the reason to work extra hard, tie those last few strings up and finish any open projects you might be working on.

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The Importance of Google Reviews

Even though we may think that Google Reviews are already widely used, you would be surprised as to how many people forget about them.

Google Reviews can add so much value, credibility and depth to your business; and the great things is, you can never have too many! In fact, the more the better.

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Publicly Traded Company Marketing: Longhouse Media, Case Study

Longhouse has been working with some exciting publicly traded companies recently by providing our marketing, branding and web design services.

Over the last few months, we have been working with publicly traded companies within the Mining Industry.

Publicly Traded Company Marketing: Longhouse Media, Case Study Read More »

BC Business Grant for New Websites: Launch Online Canada

The Province of BC and Alacrity Canada have $7,500 in funding made available for adding e-commerce functionality to a new or existing website (this covers 75% of your total investment).

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Andre Pienaar: Longhouse Media Case Study

Longhouse has worked with Andre Pienaar for almost a year and a half and throughout this time we have really gotten to know him as a person. Andre loves to write music. He believes that music tells and story and each song has a chance to be meaningful and be a significant factor in telling the story.

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How Was December🎄? I Longhouse Media Blog Post

How was everyone’s last couple of days? Christmas just passed by and we hope you and your families were able to celebrate the holidays with your loved ones. Did you do anything interesting/holiday-related recently?  If we haven’t spoken for a while we’d love to start off 2021 with reconnecting.  This year has the potential to be awesome. Longhouse Media

How Was December🎄? I Longhouse Media Blog Post Read More »

Valley Laser Eye Centre

Dr. Blaylock is respected as the best Surgical Ophthalmologist (Laser Eye Surgeons) in Canada and is famous for creating the ‘Blaylock Procedure’

The Longhouse team have worked alongside Valley Laser Eye Centre to help them reach a greater SEO/Google Ranking, reach more customers and showcase/market what they do.

The results? As great as his eye surgeries!

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